Women, It’s Happening
We’re unbinding
from a paradigm
in which each of us
were held captive
by the illusion
that we had to choose-
between being a woman who wants to be envied
a woman who wants to be liked
-as if there were no sisterhood nor sanctity
this reality.
We’re unburdening
our inner voices
from a lifetime of muffled hate-talk,
barely audible
but oh so palpable
-by speaking ALOUD
this pain of unworthiness
so we can be witnessed
and felt
by our sisters
as we bravely utter
our trembling words,
and therein
the alchemy
of lies
into the untarnished truth
of our brilliance and beauty.
We are refusing
to be trapped
by our infinite self-image
in our own hall of mirrors
where we fixate
on the isolating belief
there’s something so wrong with us,
and then
that there’s something so wrong with us
for having something so wrong with us
and that we could never
belong anywhere
with this magnitude of wrongness.
But we’re refusing
to keep pointing inward
to name
and blame
and shame
Now. We. Say. No
Because now we know
it is incumbent upon us
to gather
and keep gathering
and thereby dismantling
the insidious
of ‘It must just be me’.
Women, it’s happening
we are remembering
that we were designed
to come together
to gather
and share our stories
where we find
in each other
where we learn
to discern
the difference
the narratives in our head
where we objectify each other
and the stories
on our heart
where we feel each other.
We are remembering
that they keep us complicit
in the distortion
of addiction
to comparison
when they keep us apart.
This International Women’s Day Daisy Chain contribution is thanks to
SO EXCITED to read all of yours, as well as and so many more 🌼(Thumbnail image of flower vulva by HPNowArt)
Hello friends, if you’re new here, welcome. I’m Sarina, Mother, writer, artist and somatic-based mentor. I write to hold us to a truer, braver expression of ourselves. For more, check out my Hero post.
This is the first post I’ve written on waking for our Daisy Chain and I felt all of your words! Thank you for your courage and creativity and sharing these powerful truths. So so grateful for your art here. Celebrating and honouring you in this day. Xx
Full. Body. Goosebumps.
Can't wait to see what comes from you all as a unified front.