This is the first post I’ve written on waking for our Daisy Chain and I felt all of your words! Thank you for your courage and creativity and sharing these powerful truths. So so grateful for your art here. Celebrating and honouring you in this day. Xx

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Thank you Lauren, honoured to have my words accompany your morning. Thank you for helping bringing this chain to life 💚💚

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Full. Body. Goosebumps.

Can't wait to see what comes from you all as a unified front.

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Me too! Thanks Sarah x

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Mar 8Liked by Sarina Zoe

Solace in each other.


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Indeed 💚💚

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Tears, tears, tears. Thank you, we are healing, it is happening.

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It really is! Such a privilege to be rising with you and so many others here x

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Bravo Sarina! This is a fantastic, deeply moving and inspiring poem. May we stand together, may we help one another, may we bind the threads of a broken world to weave a more beautiful picture.

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Love your expression here Donna! Thank you for adding your essence xx

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Amazing work. Love that point about choosing to be envied or liked. Oof.

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They didn’t offer us much, lucky we built our own tables and decided what it had to offer!

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Beautiful words. I’m so here for the remembering. It’s incredible to witness the woman so oppressed for so long choosing now to fight and break free.

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Totally! The relief! Xx

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This was a yummy and powerful read 🌺💜

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Thank you Anais 💚💚

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Aah I’ve only just seen this link in our beautiful chain. This is stunning. Such a beautiful daisy chain to be part of x

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Such a beautiful experience! X

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Mar 13Liked by Sarina Zoe

Beautiful truth here, Sarina! I am honored to be a part of this. The envy and jealousy and separation run deep. There is much healing through remembering to do.

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Much healing! How blessed we are to know the difference 💚

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Thank you for sharing this. It is beautiful and true. ♥️

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Thanks Heather xx

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You remembered my actual name. 🥰

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Of course!

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Mar 10Liked by Sarina Zoe

This is so important to read Sarina. Thank you

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Mar 10Liked by Sarina Zoe

And so beautifully expressed 🙏🏽

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Crept back to bed away from the madhouse of exuberant Saturday morning kids downstairs. Reading this feels like a pure cleansing breath. “It is incumbent upon us to gather and keep gathering.” Yes!

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Ahhh so glad it felt cleansing! Beautiful to hear, thank you for your words! X

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Such an uplifting poem, absolutely gorgeous! 💛✨

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Thank you Kate 💚

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Wow thank you so much for these powerful words Sarina, they resonate so deeply and speak very much to my experience of a remembering and reclaiming for myself, my daughter and women everywhere, in togetherness. Thank you for sharing your beauty and your gift xx

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So appreciate your words Lyndsay, we shall all keep reclaiming 💚

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Beautiful ! Happy International Womens Day All !

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