Love this! I have definitely found myself considering righteous anger and righteous rage again and again, so your description of being "angry for" really sits with me.

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I love this idea of embracing our righteous anger. I spent so much of my life as a codependent. I didn’t even realize that I existed. Once I realize that I existed and embraced my inner child work I was more than ok to say, Yo! you can’t do that to her. Corie is a nice girl, and she deserves to be treated with kindness.” And if you’re not, I might try radical empathy if I feel like it or just give you one big NO!

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Absolutely. And for me, once I realize this, sometimes I demand more and sometimes I still do the thing but in that case I'm doing it from a place of generosity that the person in front of me needs/wants something, rather than from a place of fear that I'm not enough unless I do this. And starting from that place of grace and generosity is so much more fulfilling. And it's a choice instead of feeling like a gun to my head: "this person won't love you or you won't be worthy if you don't sacrifice yourself on this altar" vs. "you don't have to do this but you are choosing to do it out of the goodness of your heart for someone else". Same outward behaviour in some cases, but entirely different energy.

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Entirely different, yes. It’s that sharpening of discernment as we better understand our patterns and conditioning, especially with being a ‘good girl / woman’

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Ah so good to hear Noha. Your writing has captivated our hearts in many ways through what feels like the alchemy of your sacred anger ‘for’, into beauty, especially in ‘the Muslim Men I Know’. Thank you for your work 💜

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Right in this place too… loved this

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Good to be Unfuckwithable with you! Thanks Elle 🤍

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Haha the poor GP got my wrath this week, the fire that comes with the years. And yet I didn’t feel

‘hard’ or even angry just “no, that’s enough rubbish from you for one day, you’re not going to BS this patient”. It was GLORIOUS.

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Ahh directness, how much energy we save 👌🏽

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Wow! Love this! So resonant. “It’s no coincidence that so many of us can’t tolerate caffeine or alcohol anymore. Barely even one hit of it.

Maybe we’re more sensitive, or maybe we’re less tolerant to anything that brings interference to our channel; that numbs or overrides our beauty so we can take with us the jewels of Truth as we move into the Autumn and Winter stages of life.” 🔥🔥🔥

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Ahh so good Heidi, we are walking in greater wisdom and truth, what a privilege 🤍

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This, Sarina, this: Maybe we’re more sensitive, or maybe we’re less tolerant to anything that brings interference to our channel; that numbs or overrides our beauty so we can take with us the jewels of Truth as we move into the Autumn and Winter stages of life." and this, "A midlife woman can discern what’s most needed in any given situation, because her softness is no longer overruled by trying to be cool, and her intolerance is no longer overruled by people-pleasing." I just love this post. It felt like plugging in. xoxox

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Ah this is bliss to hear you felt this Jocelyn. Thank you for your beautiful reflection. We really are here to keep reminding each other of our beauty 💜

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Yes yes yes!

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Definitely rate to the clearing of the channel and the heightened sensitivity. I feel like I’m rewriting patterns daily in my system at the moment which is quite unsettling but also exciting all in one. Love this piece, feeling the roar! Xxx

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Mmm I feel you, it’s such big work on all the subtle levels, and it feels like such a privilege to be walking these years in health and clarity 💜

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So fkng good. I feel as though our teens and 20s are for experiencing and festering anger, which turns to grief and now in my late 30s, I’m finally seeking justice. Unapologetically using my voice and allowing the anger to be seen and released in an entirely different way. Regaining that sort of control is so liberating.

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You’re so right Carly, it really does turn to grief. I’m so keen to explore this grief further as it fascinates me, and I find the grief itself so liberating, the unclenching of emotions and releasing of Truth.

Our anger being seen and released in an entirely

different way 👌🏽👌🏽

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Self-compassion and inner child work are healing AF, but so is reinstating the art of a context-appropriate ‘You.Can.Fuck.Right.Off’.

Right on!

I am a women in my 50’s and have found that I can hold the space between my yes and my no to you ass and not feel bad for any of it. Once you embrace your mama tiger fierceness it just gets better and better.

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Ahhhh Corie, I love the mama tiger analogy / archetype 🙌🏽

I can absolutely sense it getting better and better as we drop all guilt and shame around our yes and no.

Thank you for joining this conversation and bringing your wisdom 💜

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Thank you for being... freakin' amazing!

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Appreciate you Corie 💜

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Sarina, what an honour it is to be wrapped up so sweetly in your words. I have written, what has to be the most generous and impactful of sentiments "evolutionary forces of Nature in softness and in sacred anger" in my journal as a reminder. Thank you for seeing me and I deeply see you.

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Oh Gisèle this makes my heart swell with YESSSS!

So grateful for you and your work, it’s a pleasure to be here alongside your brilliance 💜

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Beautiful post!

Some lovely phrases in there- “in the autumn of our lives” and so many great sentiments about boundaries and the integration of our wholeness. 🪞👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Thank you for the shoutout. 🫶🫂

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You’re so welcome, I’ve appreciated your voice and have talked about your work when my mum asked if I knew about ‘The Let Them Theory’. I was like, ‘Well, let me tell you a little something about why I won’t be buying that book…’

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lol! Let me tell you why I won’t be buying that book.

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