Work With Me: The Art of Being You

Hello beautiful human, thank you for landing here.

If you’ve read my Hero post, you’ll know a bit about my somatic mentoring work:

The Art of Being You.

This page explains more, so you can discover if somatic work is something you’re keen to explore.

Romina Farias-Unsplash

[Somatic: Of the Body]

In this one wild and precious life, we are each here to shamelessly belong to ourselves by becoming expressive of our unique brilliance and beauty.

Only you know the depths of the brilliance and beauty inside you.

And this brilliance and beauty wants you to become the living animation of it through your body; in how you hold yourself, how you use your hands, how you use your voice, your unique expressive signature

- this is The Art of Being You.

What’s Somatic work?

The body holds infinite wisdom, which, when ‘listened to’ using somatic techniques, will guide you to unlock more of your innate brilliance and beauty.

First, we tend to what’s arising in your life currently - the parts of you that feel stuck, frustrated and angry, as well as the parts that feel guilt and shame.

Of course, it’s natural to feel all these things, they are a response to events and traumas, which have become stored emotions and ‘blockages’ in the body.

I gently guide you into this infinite wisdom of your body, where you will become attuned to the parts of your body that want to ‘speak’.

From here, you might experience visions or messages from these parts of your body.

Hearing what your body has to say is the very key to alchemising your emotions and stuckness into an effortless gentleness, and oftentimes leads to a profound breakthrough in your life.

Somatic techniques can give you insights into what you need to do, or how you need to do it.

It is remarkable work. It will restore a deep-found faith in the intelligence of your body and you’ll likely find relief from much of the exhausting headfuckery, compulsive comparing to others, and over-stimulation from all the information ‘out there’.

How does somatic mentorship work?

I offer either one month or three months of mentorship where we look at what’s arising in your life emotionally and physically, and how alchemising these can support the actualisation of your goals and desires.

1 Month of support is A$1300

3 Months of support is A$3300

This includes 2 x 75 mins somatic therapy sessions per month as well as Voxer voice note support as you need it Monday-Friday, throughout each month.

Since we’ll be working intimately, it’s important that we both feel a certain kind of chemistry and that you trust me to hold you through these experiences.

The first step is to send me a DM via the Substack app, or email me with the title ‘The Art of Being You’ with any questions you have, or a request to book a free 30 minute discovery call.

I look forward to hearing from you. X

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