Wow. this is so powerful and beautiful. I'm sharing this with all the women I love. Thank you for writing it. ❤️🙏

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So glad it resonated, thank you 💜

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I love this Sarina, and resonate with so much of it. 2023 was a year of inner retreat for me, a pausing and a reclamation of myself that my younger self would have feared was hiding, but I knew in my bones it was not. It was a private settling, a breathing out, and a exploration inwards. Now, in 2024 I’m ready to express myself more honestly, slowly and gradually, in the ways that feel right for me. Dropping the pleasing, the ‘don’t rock the boat’, the fears of judgement and instead owning who I am in those moments and relationships that call me to go deeper. Xx

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Wow this is a sacred share, thank you Thea. Honouring you for knowing your highest needs and tending to them. X

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Beautiful babe great to see you on here :) x

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Thank you love! X

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As for the gaping hole where reverence from others has nowhere to land, might I suggest we plant a garden there? A little self-love, a dash of self-acceptance, and perhaps a sprinkle of humor to keep the soil fertile. After all, if we're going to meet a hungry void, we might as well offer it a feast of our own making.

And let's not even get started on the 'biz coach bullshit.' Your words there were a breath of fresh air in a world suffocated by the relentless hustle culture. It's as if you've declared, "I shall not be moved... unless it's by my own soul's stirring." Bravo Sarina, Bravo!

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