“What on earth would I write about” I love it! I never seem to know what to write about until I let life write it for me. Trying to trust that more and more, and, as you show so beautifully here, it comes out even better that way. ☺️💫

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Thank you for sharing some of your London trip, the amazing observations about your mother/her mother and everything you are experiencing here. I totally feel you on the frustration of not having time to write whilst out of routine but you’re so right, immersing yourself in your time away and with loved ones is so important. Love that you were round the corner from me in Hampstead! xx

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Ahhh you’re in Hampstead! How divine 💜

Thank you beautiful, appreciate your message. I’ve surrendered more deeply now and smelling every rose I meet! X

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Not quite in Hampstead (that would be lovely!) but not far, def part of my locale! So glad you’re smelling the roses 🌹 xx

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Absolutely beautiful Sarina! And you’re not alone… whenever we see family (we don’t live next by any of them on neither side of the family), there’s even less stuff done than when I have full childcare of two alone xD for me it’s more exhausting tbh due to the added adaptation to them (nope they don’t adapt to us especially)… hope you’re having a wonderful time, it sure looks like it and Peppa pig is lovely 🥰

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Aww thanks Elin, we are living the same situation, my partners family are all in South Africa. Daycare is such a steady comfort for Gia and for me, it’s making me so grateful for it.

Gia took almost 2 weeks to adapt to the Timezone here! It really is so tough on kids, in most ways I’ve enjoyed being her only ‘constant’ among such change, I feel the palpable sense of my body as her home. X

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Oh i can imagine! How long will you be there for?

We’ve travelled and moved a lot though at least the time zone has been the same… that must definitely throw things off totally 🙏🏼 and also language is the same so she can understand, but I can totally see what an overwhelming (yet enriching) experience it must be ❤️ courage as we say in French to both of you and be gentle on your creativity as your womb tells you (love the art piece btw!!) i have a piece coming out as soon as baby lets me go (so questionably if it’s tonight or tomorrow haha), about the idea of “all the work you don’t see us do” (drawing similarities between motherhood and creativity/artistry…) feels very aligned with this conversation… virtual hug xx

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Ooooo yes! Potent and pertinent!!

In UK for two more weeks, just did a tea ceremony and acupuncture session while my mum had Gia for a few hours (the first time without me) was soooo needed, I’m way less angry inside now 😂

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Haha fab!! Proud of you for listening to your need 💗 I’ve never had more than one hour to myself in 4 years of being a parent so I can definitely imagine how glorious that must’ve been 😂😂 gosh if we only knew what we were capable of before becoming mothers… 🤯🤯

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One hour?!!!! Holy shit I would have lost my mind!

Looking forward to your piece, I was writing something very similar recently in my journal! X

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Haha oh I do, but I’ve somehow learnt to be creative around it, most of the writing (physical on paper) drawing embroidery - the physical arts really! I do while my children are around and then I transcribe it the oldest watch a show or when my husband is next by (but the children always find me haha) it’s a puzzle I’ve just go to flow with at the momentf 👏 have a wonderful 2 weeks left in London! 💞

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Loved every single word of this. “What on earth would I even write about if I didn’t let life happen?!” Learning to strike the balance between living life and writing about it. A writer’s dilemma I share too 🥹🧡🌳🌤️ enjoy every bit of London! - Gwen

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Ah thank you Gwen! Glad you enjoyed it. Would love to see something you’ve written about this too, is there a particular post you can link?

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I don’t think I’ve written about this specifically but I did share my life story on the pinned post on my Substack that pretty much paints a similar picture — learning to shift away from “doing” to simply “being” 🥰🌳🧡 hugs Sarina!

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I love this Sarina. Sometimes an hour feels like an entire day with a toddler in your wake. There will always be time to write in the future, I promise. Maybe every once if awhile, Gia will “do yoga” with you. And I bet, if you ask your Mum, she will tell you that she doesn’t regret not painting as much while all of you were little. It can be exhausting, but enriching to be present with a toddler. Our pace, our balance, and at times even remembering who we are is challenged. Maybe you could use your phone to take short note or voice memos about writing ideas, so they aren’t lost amidst the pigeons 💞 I was a single Mom of two girls in my thirties, and there were days I loved it, and days I wanted to scream. I see you.

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Wow thanks Teyani, I can’t even imagine having another in the mix, although my mum did say she reckons it was easier having more than one in some ways because even though we fought a lot we were each other’s company.

Yes, writing will always be here for me, what a blessing that is! X

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